Monday, April 03, 2006

To be a member of Rob.

Have you got what it takes to become the next Rob or at least someone like him?
  1. Are you willing to act like a loony in public, infront of your family and in serious events?

  2. Yes indeed.
    No never.
    Not inserious events or in public or infront of family.

  3. When you were/are at school did/do you try to work hard and not be rebelious?

  4. Yes indeed.
    No never.
    When I felt like it I would do anything I wanted.

  5. If the Rob told you to run to the land of Figgeryfar and collect the stones of doom, would you?

  6. Yes indeed.
    No never.
    Well I'd first tell Rob to do it himself and walk away.

  7. If faced with a challenge that seems impossible for you and everybody agrees that you can't do it, would you still do it?

  8. Yes indeed.
    No never.
    Well I'd try it and quit if I can't do it.

  9. Do you enjoy wrting, acting, dancing, skiing, cycling, walking, reading, sailing, creating?

  10. Yes indeed.
    No never.
    Yes but not the dancing part. Rob doesn't dance.

Well done for not quitting the test. Now find out if you are indeed the next Rob or just some one like him.

Rob, the second quiz

Another quiz from Rob for your entertainment.
  1. If that giant monster called Bill the mill O'bill went bill what would you do?

  2. Walk away leaving him to panic.
    Call the police.
    Get angry at Rob for talking complete nonsense.
    Dance a merry jig and laugh.
    Fly to space.

  3. When the giant squids attack what should you do?

  4. Again blame Rob?
    Get your legendary gun of zerymar and attack.
    Get a guitar and sing around a camp fire for some reason.
    Wake up to find it was all a dream.
    Run for your life.

  5. If you meet Rob on the street what should you do?

  6. Give him a big hug then ten thousand pounds for the confusion and embarrasement you caused Rob.
    Take his picture then hire a good lawyer as he will sue.
    Say hello.
    Walk up to him slowly holding a chocolate bar, showing that you are no threat so he trusts you.
    Hale him with praise about his sites.

  7. How old would you say the mighty Rob is?

  8. No one knows.
    Below 16.

  9. If the sign at the zoo says: "do not feed the Rob" what will happen if you do?

  10. He'll eat you.
    He'll happily eat what you give him.
    He'll eat it if he likes it.
    He'll eat it then get ill and die. Oh no!!
    The zoo keeper will get the police on you.

  11. When Rob show's his experimental lego film what will you think of it?

  12. Best film ever!!!
    Good film.
    bad film.
    Worst film ever!!!

  13. Without Rob what will life be like?

  14. Sad.
    Ah we'll get over it.
    Who cares there must be another like Rob ou there.

  15. First aid now. If the Rob blank you blank. Now fill in the blanks.

  16. Something.
    Moo. My brain mooed.
    Visits the land of oink.
    This makes no sense.
    My brain hurts. Why are you asking me these pointless questions?

  17. How is the Rob doing on this quiz?

  18. His randomness is at it's best in this quiz.
    He's trying but I aint likeing
    He had no ideas to begin with and it shows.
    Fine I guess.
    Reall awful.

  19. If Rob said moo moo moo what would you think has happened to him.

  20. He's become a cow.
    He's just Rob.
    Rob has become an alien being called havanicday.
    He's gone round the bend.
    Who cares.